

Degree posting is not automatic and all students who wish to have their degree posted must complete an Application for Graduation. This is necessary regardless of intent to participate in the commencement ceremony. It is the student's responsibility to submit the following to the Registrar's Office before the posted deadlines.

Meeting the application deadline is very important to ensure there isn't a delay in getting your degree posted. Late applications will jeopardize your eligibility to receive awards and participate in commencement. 申请截止日期和费用列在这个网站上, 校历,以及在毕业申请上. Students may only participate in the ceremony at the end of their last semester.


Students who do not complete their degree requirements in the academic year in which they applied will be required to submit a 重新申请毕业申请. 如果在其他机构完成学位要求, 正式成绩单也必须送到注册办公室. 重新申请的学生没有资格参加毕业典礼.


The following fee rates are determined by the date the completed Graduation Application is submitted by the student. Late applications will jeopardize your eligibility to receive honors and participate in commencement.

Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Winter 2023 Spring 2024
2023年5月26日(参加秋季毕业典礼的截止日期) $185 2023年9月8日(毕业典礼截止日期) $185     2023年12月1日(早期申请)     $185
逾期申请(2023年5月26日之后) $340 逾期申请(2023年9月8日之后)     $340     2024年1月26日(毕业典礼的最后期限)     $215
            逾期申请(2024年1月26日之后)     $340
Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Winter 2024 Spring 2025
2024年6月5日(参加秋季毕业典礼的截止日期) $185 2024年9月13日(毕业典礼截止日期) $185     2025年2月21日(毕业典礼截止日期) $185
逾期申请(2024年6月5日以后) $340 逾期申请(2024年9月13日之后) $340     2025年1月31日(毕业典礼截止日期) $215
            逾期申请(2025年1月31日之后) $340


All students must submit payment for the 毕业申请费 at the same time as they submit the application. 我们接受信用卡、借记卡、现金、支票或支票. This fee is non-refundable and assessed regardless of the student's intent to participate in the commencement ceremony.

The 毕业申请费 covers the administrative time needed to process the application, 进行学位审核, 跟踪学生的学习进度,并将学位贴在学生的成绩单上. 它还包括订购和邮寄文凭的费用.


毕业典礼 is a celebration of degree completion and is reserved for students who have completed all of their degree requirements. No student will be allowed to participate who has not completed all of their degree requirements.毕业生只能参加一次毕业典礼. 每个学期的毕业申请表上都列出了典礼选择. Fall 毕业典礼 celebrates Summer and Fall graduates and Spring 毕业典礼 celebrates Spring graduates only.


Check your Eagles email frequently, note, and adhere to any deadlines communicated. Late responses will jeopardize your ability to participate in the 毕业典礼 ceremony.

秋季毕业晚会 & 颁奖典礼:2024年11月4日

This event is for students who have applied for graduation and indicated that they want to participate in the Fall 毕业典礼 Ceremony. 属于此类别的人将收到提醒电子邮件. Come for prizes, academic regalia*, diploma frames, class rings and graduation announcements.

When: 2024年11月4日,星期一
Location: Grimm Hall North 302 Conference Center on the 欧文康考迪亚大学 campus
Time: 1:00-3:00 PM
This is a come and go event and you do not need to stay for the duration of the event. 不需要回复.
*Regalia will not be issued until proof of degree requirement completion is established (receipt of outstanding transcripts, 入学证明, 替代形式, etc). Regalia将被扣留,直到所有财政义务得到履行.


Students who are concurrently enrolled in units at another school must provide 入学证明 during their last semester after the census date. 如果他们在提交证明后退出课程, they are obligated to notify the Registrar's Office and their graduation status must be re-evaluated. No applications for graduation will be accepted without 入学证明 for all outstanding course requirements.


Degrees will not be evaluated for verification or conferral and diplomas will not be released until all financial obligations are met. 否则,学位将在满足所有要求后公布. 学位要求可以在 学术目录. Concordia posts degrees three times a year—at the completion of the regular Summer (August), 普通秋季(12月), 和常规春季(五月)学期. 即使课程在中期结束,学位也不会在中期公布.

Please allow 4-6 weeks after the end of the regular semester for the final posting of your degree and make future plans accordingly. 成绩单可以通过注册办公室在线订购. 点击下面的按钮获取更多信息.



Official diplomas are issued 6-8 weeks after the degree is posted provided that you have no outstanding financial obligations to the University. 它们被邮寄到你的毕业申请上提供的地址. 更换文凭需填写 补办文凭表格. 更换文凭的费用是25美元,需要6-8周才能获得.


如果你在斯塔福德贷款计划下借了钱, federal regulations require you to complete Loan Exit Counseling before graduating. The 金融援助 Office has arranged for you to complete the session online at sophieboon.com/loans. 如果您有问题,请亚洲体育博彩平台 金融援助 at 949-214-3066.


Gowns are sized according to height and weight and are ordered according to information provided by the student on the Application for Graduation. 学服是免费的,包括帽子、长袍、流苏和披肩. Regalia will be withheld until all financial obligations and graduation application requirements are met.


Honors are awarded to eligible undergraduate students for the commencement ceremony. 毕业典礼 participants who are recipients will receive honor cords or stoles at the Academic Achievements Ceremony. 对于仪式, honors status will be determined based on the cumulative GPA at the end of the semester prior to graduation term. Once final grades are calculated, honor status will be re-evaluated and may change. This final honors designation will be reflected on students' transcripts and diploma.

Cum Laude 3.70 – 3.79
优等生 3.80 – 3.89
优等生 3.90 - 4.00


  • 礼服长度和款式不得更改. 偷窃不能以任何方式定制.
  • 帽子上允许适度的个人装饰, 但必须平躺, 不能延伸到边缘, 而且必须是合适的.
  • 只有康考迪亚大学欧文分校认可的徽章(包括徽章), stoles, cords, and medallions) bestowed at the 本科 Academic Achievement ceremony and provided by university-sponsored clubs or 崔退伍军人资源中心 毕业时可以穿吗. Decorative items such as costume leis, beads, or sashes may only be worn after the ceremony.
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